Ikbel Achour is a biotechnologist and strategist with over 12 years experience in developing cutting-edge science for biomarker and therapeutic target discovery, focusing on Precision Medicine and clinical trial design. She is currently a Translational Medicine Lead in Immuno-oncology at MEDIMMUNE. As a Director of Precision Health at the University of Arizona, she previously led the development of projects at the intersection of disease biology, computer science and genomics. She is also part of leadership of Women in Biotech (WIB) promoting innovation and women talent development in life sciences. Her dedication and passion to her work in genomics and Biotech, Tunisia diaspora’s initiatives, and increasing awareness about economic opportunities in African countries have been published in international peer-reviewed articles and think tank reports, as well as news and social media outlets in US and in Tunisia. She is an Emerging Leaders 2015 of The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Ikbel holds two patents and earned a Bachelor of engineering in bioindustry from the National Institute of Applied Science and Technology in Tunisia, and a PhD in immunology from the Institute Pasteur-University Paris VII.
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Ikbel Achour
Ikbel Achour
Ikbel Achour
Ikbel Achour