  • US-Tunisia Joint Economic Commission Plans

    The United States and Tunisia are hosting a Joint Economic Commission (JEC) on May 6, 2016 in Washington D.C. The JEC is an initiative derived from President Beji Caid Essebsi’s visit to Washington in May 2015. It seeks to promote sustainable economic growth and job creation in the US and Tunisia. Breakout sessions are as […] Read More
  • TAYP at the Tunisian Investment Forum

    Photo Courtesy: Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, Tunisia Investment Forum On June 11th -12th, FIPA Tunisia hosted the latest edition of the Tunisian Investment Forum at the El Mouradi Hotel in Gammarth. Under the banner “Invest in Tunisia, Join the Growing Success,” this conference brought together leading government, economic, and business leaders to discuss the growth and […] Read More
  • Investment, Entrepreneurship, and Development in Tunisia Conference Review

    On Monday March 16, TAYP, the American Tunisian Association, and The George Washington University hosted a panel of high-profile speakers to follow up on the March 5th visit of Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker to Tunisia. This conference allowed high-profile speakers to highlight some of the biggest challenges currently facing Tunisia’s economic development and what […] Read More
  • It’s time for the rise of Private Equity industry in Tunisia

    By Michael Blummer Distortions, defaulting on loans, deflating dinar and lack of liquidities are characterizing the economy during the transition period in Tunisia. This makes the access to finance, through the traditional banking sector which still widely dominant, extremely challenging for the SMEs who have the possibility of expanding their businesses. So what can SMEs […] Read More