Newsletter Archives
  • TAYP Retreat 2023: A Celebratory Gathering in Seattle

    The TAYP Retreat 2023 in Seattle, WA, successfully concluded with a memorable and enriching event. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who attended and contributed. Deep appreciation is extended to those who believed in the mission 13 years ago and those who continue to support it today. From engaging discussions to valuable networking […] Read More
  • Diaspora Summer Networking 2023: A highly successful first edition

    Birth of an alliance of Diaspora Associations Launch of the “Tunisia Global Forum”, a significant international business event to enhance Tunisia’s visibility and attractiveness. Tunis, 02 August 2023 –   Six associations of professional Tunisian diaspora, active in different countries, have decided to unite their efforts to jointly organize an unprecedented summer gathering to interconnect their […] Read More
  • TAYP retreat 2023: Bringing the community together and growing together

    BOSTON, MA – The Tunisian-American Young Professionals (TAYP) is organizing the second annual retreat on May 13th and 14th at the Wylie Center & Tupper Manor in Boston. This event will bring together accomplished professionals from various sectors to support each other and share their experiences. The program will include several workshops related to finance, […] Read More
  • TAYP Editorial Oct 2017

    The summer marks the time for the TAYP family to connect and celebrate as many members head home to Tunisia to spend some vacation time that never seems long enough. As professionals, we are accustomed to using a plethora of virtual meeting tools and yet we all tend to look forward to being home as […] Read More
  • May 2015 Editorial

    Dear TAYP members and friends, The definition of “success” is the attainment of one’s goals. Success is the product of clear vision and sheer determination and is measured by the continuous progress that is needed to achieve the desired goals. TAYP’s work with the 4 E’s Initiative (Education, Entrepreneurship, Exports and Exchanges), combined with our continued […] Read More
  • TAYP February 2015 Editorial

    Dear TAYP subscribers and readers, 2015 is brimming with positive changes. Tunisia elected a new parliament and president, and has just crafted a new government. Furthermore, TAYP has finalized its plans for 2015 and completed its management team expansion. We recently finalized the structure of the new management team and we are all excited to announce that the […] Read More
  • TAYP November 2014 Editorial

    Dear TAYP members and friends, The definition of “progress” per the Oxford Dictionary is a forward or onward movement toward a destination.  Progress inherently has elements of incremental success, celebrated advancement as well as the occasional missteps and miscalculations. All Tunisians and the rest of the world have been witnessing the substantial progress in Tunisia’s […] Read More
  • TAYP Editorial March 2014

    Dear TAYP Members and Friends, The prevailing question in Tunisia nowadays is forward looking; what is next for Tunisia? The question is simple, yet powerful, and it reflects on the maturity of the Tunisian citizen political psyche.  It also symbolizes the desire of the people to question and understand what their leaders are planning for […] Read More
  • TAYP Editorial June 2014

    Dear TAYP members and friends We are almost half way through 2014 and like they say; time flies when you are having fun. At TAYP, we are accustomed at working hard and having fun.   The past few months have been full of interesting activities, and projects.  The articles within this newsletter will shed light on […] Read More
  • TAYP Editorial June 2014

    Dear TAYP members and friends, We are almost half way through 2014 and like they say; time flies when you are having fun. At TAYP, we are accustomed at working hard and having fun.   The past few months have been full of interesting activities, and projects.  The articles within this newsletter will shed light on […] Read More
  • January 2014 Editorial

    Dear TAYP members and friends, Happy New Year! Few days ago, we celebrated the end of a year and welcomed the first dawn of the New Year. At that moment, humans are known to make, what one could describe, grandiose resolutions.  They are sincere commitments fuelled by the hope of accomplishing ones goals. Hoping is […] Read More
  • Editorial August 2013

    Dear TAYP members and friends, I am honored and humbled to be elected as the next president of TAYP. I will be serving our organization, its members and all its beneficiaries for the next two years starting on September 1st, 2013. Two years ago, TAYP was set up by a small group of Tunisians, inspired […] Read More